In 2020, 444 units were renovated in Polish shipyards. During this year, at Polish seaports, the following numbers dropped: cargo turnover, passenger traffic and the number of ships calling at Polish seaports.
The situation on the shipbuilding market in Poland
The shipbuilding market in Poland in 2020 recorded drops. On an annual basis, at Polish seaports, the following indicators decreased in 2020: cargo turnover, passenger traffic and the number of ships calling at Polish seaports. As at the end of 2020, the maritime transport fleet had fewer ships than in the previous year. Compared to 2019, there was a decrease in cargo transported by the sea fleet by Polish carriers and a decrease in passenger transport in international transport.
In 2020, 444 units were renovated in Polish shipyards. The order portfolio has decreased over the year. At the end of 2020, it included 11 ships (in the previous year, there were 24 ships).
The cargo turnover in Polish seaports in 2020 amounted to 88.5 million tons, i.e., 5.7% less than in 2019. A decrease was observed in Gdańsk (by 10.9%), Świnoujście (by 5.3%) and Police (by 1.9%). An increase in the turnover was recorded only in Gdynia (by 3.3%). And in Szczecin their value remained at the same level as in the previous year.
The transit cargo turnover in 2020 amounted to 12.5 million tons and decreased compared to the previous year by 18.0%. The largest amount of transit cargo was transhipped at the port of Gdańsk (72.1%), followed by the ports of Szczecin (12.7%) and Świnoujście (7.9%).
In 2020, 17.6 thousand ships called at Polish ports (this is a decrease compared to 20.8 thousand units in 2019).
In 2020, 1,905.2 thousand passengers started or finished travelling at Polish seaports, i.e., 31.6% less than in 2019. 351.6 thousand passengers were transported in domestic traffic (18.5%), and 1,553.6 thousand passengers in international traffic (81.5%).
Diversification of the potential of the shipbuilding market in Poland is a possible remedy for declines in each of the individual segments of the market (construction of new vessels, repairs, modernization of ships already in use). The group Remontowa Holding, one of the national leaders, used to specialize only in repair services, and now, in addition to repairs, it builds ships and undertakes the modernization of already floating units. Remontowa Shipbuilding, which belongs to the Holding, currently produces – as the only one in Poland – medium-sized sea vessels with their full equipment. And most importantly, it does so based on its own self-developed concepts and innovative technical designs.
Coronavirus and the maritime economy in Poland
The COVID-19 pandemic has hit the shipbuilding market in Poland on three levels: operational capacity, supply within the supply chain, and demand. Unprecedented restrictions related to the pandemic caused operational disruptions and this led to deregulation of freight. The lockdown strategy resulted in crew reductions in ports, and ships entering the port were subject to numerous restrictions, the most important of which were the mandatory two-week quarantine in the maritime zone and the inability to replace the crew because of closing external borders or the need to undergo long-term quarantine for visitors.
The pandemic crisis had its biggest impact on the passenger cruise market, mainly large cruise ships, and in the offshore oil & gas sector. The effects of this are also felt by other segments of the shipbuilding market, but it was these two sectors that were hit most quickly and directly, which is reflected in the Polish shipbuilding industry that is particularly active in the production of cruise liners.
The largest ports in Poland
The shipbuilding market in Poland consists of the three most important ports with production, war, and repair yards:
- Shipyard Gdańsk (Safe, Alkor, Baltic Engineering, AHB Service, IRKO, GSG Towers, Grupa Przemysłowa Baltic, Montex Shipyard, Choreń Design & Consulting, Comel, Stocznia Wisła, OLBUD, Repair Shipyard, REST-ZAS, Stocznia Rybacka Spawmet, Havyard Production, ODYS Stocznia & Co, Mar-Ship, PC POL SHIPPING, Kwant, P.P.H.U. Marine Production and Service, Stocznia Gdańsk S.A, Ruroserw P.P.U.H., Investa Marine, SCANA ZAMECH, Martim-Shipyard, MALMOR, Remontowa Shipbuilding, Stal-Rem, Allrad),
- Shipyard Gdynia (CRISY, Nauta, Energomontaż-Północ, Damen Shipyards, Karstensen Shipyard, ETMAL, Stal Complex, Inter Marine, Vasco, Konreum Nauta, ConVess, Sea Horse, PGZ Stocznia Wojenna, Timoro, P.P.U.H. STER, DAKAR Budowa i Remonty Statków, Skipapol, ULSTEIN POLAND, YMS, Marimpex, Kodal shipyard, Stal Complex Dariusz Tiszer, Smart Trans),
- Shipyard Szczecin (Muehlhan, Marine Projects, Stocznia Szczecińska, Navitech, Navalconsulting Piotr Chmielewski, Morska Stocznia Remontowa, PTS, Makrum, Marco Service, Amber Bridge, Shipco, Mirand, Pomerania Service, NSS, Master, Hullkon, Almare, Stocznia Marynarki Wojennej, Multi Marine Service, Polship, Searem).
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Porty z pandemią w tle 2019 (Ports with the pandemic in the background 2019),
Raport: Sytuacja przemysłu stoczniowego w Polsce przed wystąpieniem COVID-19 (Report: The situation of the shipbuilding market in Poland before the COVID-19), Jerzy Czuczman,
Jak pandemia COVID-19 wpłynęła na branżę morską: spojrzenie po I kwartale 2020 (How the COVID-19 pandemic affected the maritime industry: a look after Q1 2020),
Gospodarka morska w Polsce w 2020 (Maritime economy in Poland in 2020), GUS,
Stocznie produkcyjne, Stocznie remontowe – Budowa statków, Remonty statków (Production shipyards, Repair shipyards – Shipbuilding, Ship repairs),