Searching for information on niche market segments can be a challenge for many companies. It was similar in this case, when a client needed to get to know the ports and harbors data market better and contacted us with a request to collect and develop the necessary information.


A client from the port and harbor industry asked us to:

  • identify data sources about ports and harbors,
  • create a compilation of selected data.

Ports and harbors data market

The first element of our service was to identify sources of data about ports and harbors. For this purpose, we used the desk research method to verify the availability of sources comprehensively. It required us to work with official government registers and databases in various languages and use industry-specific sources and information provided by private companies. Knowledge of the sources and efficient desk research allowed us to quickly identify the necessary resources and create a complete picture of the market.

Thanks to the efficient identification of sources, we easily obtained the data that was necessary for the client in the next step. An essential element of the research project was to create the compilation of the obtained information clearly and legibly, which would enable efficient work with the data. For this purpose, it was necessary to conduct additional research and then harmonize the data gathered from different sources. To ensure maximum readability, we have standardized the units and the manner in which the collected information has been presented.


Thanks to our support, the client was able to know the ports and harbors data market better:

  • gained a comprehensive picture of the ports and harbors data market,
  • identified valuable sources of data about ports and harbors,
  • streamlined and accelerated the work thanks to a ready set of the necessary information.

Do you need business research and verified data on your market?
Because research projects are tailored to the client’s needs,
contact us and tell us what information you require.
We will prepare a free offer for your company.

* Due to a non-disclosure agreement, we are not allowed to present details of this market analysis in the above case study.