Nanotechnology in Poland

Today, nanotechnology is one of the most rapidly developing interdisciplinary fields of study, which combines, among others, physics, chemistry, biology, biotechnology, medicine, pharmacy, computer science, and engineering. It is a unique technology that uses techniques and methods with atomic and molecular precision, which allow the production of products of an exceptional class.

Thanks to the achievements and results achieved in this industry, there are, among others, very light construction materials with high mechanical strength, non-staining, and antibacterial fabrics, self-cleaning anti-reflective coatings, low-temperature fuel cells, supercapacitors or devices implanted in the body, and monitoring health condition.

As nanotechnologies can be – and it is – used in many industries and segments, new scientific fields such as nanomedicine, spintronics, nanoelectronics, nanobiology, and nanobiotechnology have emerged.

Segmentation of the nanotechnology market

According to Statistics Poland, in 2019, the number of enterprises that used nanotechnology to produce intermediate and final goods and/or conducted research and development activities in the field of nanotechnology amounted to 86. 21 enterprises used nanotechnology only in production, 43 only in research and development (R&D), and 24 in both R&D and production.

For most (62) of these companies, nanomaterials were the dominant application area for nanotechnology. Four companies were involved in nanomedicine. Two companies dealt with each of the following fields: modelling and simulation software, nanobiotechnology, nanoelectronics, and nano-optics. One company was active in filtration and membranes, and one in nanoscale tools. Nine companies have used nanotechnology in other areas.

In 2019, 3,137 people were involved in nanotechnology activities (both in research units and enterprises). 1.039 people were involved in enterprises only. 2,527 people were involved in research and development, including 1,009 women.

Research and development activities in the field of nanotechnology were carried out by 147 entities, of which the enterprise sector accounted for the largest share (55.8%). Enterprises most often cooperate in the field of nanotechnology with universities and other enterprises. In 2019, 32.6% of enterprises had concluded agreements on research (partnership) cooperation in research and development activities with enterprises, universities, or foreign institutions.

Financing activities related to nanotechnology

In 2019, PLN 282.8 million was allocated to nanotechnology activities, 87.6% of which were the own funds of enterprises. Compared to the previous year, expenditures on nanotechnology activities increased by 3.1%.

PLN 61.5 million was spent on research and development, which accounted for 21.7% of the total expenditure on nanotechnology (compared to 16.3% in 2018). The higher internal spending share on research and development in nanotechnology had the higher education sector (65.3%). The same share in the enterprise and government sectors, together with the private non-profit institutions sector, amounted to 32.9% and 1.8%, respectively.

In 2019, 26 companies tried to obtain funds for nanotechnology projects, of which 11 entities received such funds. In the amount applied for, capital for nanotechnology projects was obtained by six companies, while five companies received lower amounts. Companies use infrastructure and equipment primarily from the internal resources of the enterprise (75% of them do).

The value of sales of products in the analysed companies in 2019 amounted to PLN 7,307.4 million, of which PLN 861.3 million (11.8%) came from the sale of nanotechnology products. Over the year, the value of sales of nanotechnology products increased by 13.1%.

The European Union Observatory for Nanomaterials (EUON) provides information on existing nanomaterials on the EU market. The database contains 340 unique substances/items. From 1st January 2020, companies that manufacture or import forms of nanomaterials are subject to precise legal requirements.

Author: Marta Dzienkiewicz


Nauka i technika w 2019 roku (Science and technology in 2019), Statistics Poland,

Świat w rozmiarze nano, czyli nanotechnologia bliżej niż myślisz (The world in nano size. Nanotechnology closer than you think), Anita Stryjewska, Na Fali Nauki,

Nanotechnologia (Nanotechnology), Gdańsk University of Technology,

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